Sunday, 26 May 2013

DESIGN PRESENCE - business card development

For my business card, I wanted to create something that not only reflected areas of interest in terms of design, but I also wanted it to reflect me as a person. This would be my starting point for creating the rest of the branding for my design identity.

I initially had the idea of creating a pattern from objects and items that I love. This could then be applied over a range of different formats that are relevant to my design presence. 

Things I love:

blythe dolls
Italian greyhounds
French bulldogs
Sausage dogs
ugly dolls
Meadham Kirchhoff
leather jackets
ice cream

I then took a select few objects from the list which could be translated into illustration format. I kept the illustrations simple, with thin, clean strokes. This was to avoid overcrowding, and as the format is quite small I didn't want the objects to be overly detailed.

Once I had a basis for my pattern, I began to experiment with colour. It is well known that one of my favourite colours is pink, which is extremely notable within my living space. I felt that this colour was also extremely reflective of the content.

I could then continue to add more and more objects and build up my pattern. I wanted to make sure that all the little spaces were filled so that it didn't look odd with random bits of white space.

I also started to rearrange the pattern in terms of what the eye would be drawn to in the centre of the business card.

Below are the patterns I was most content with. You can see that more objects have been added. This has allowed me to fill any odd looking blank spaces. I also removed the star as I felt that it was quite out of place and made the pattern look quite tacky.

I also thickened the stroke on the final pattern. As the format is quite small, I want to make sure that the outlines stand out and are bold enough to show all the detail.

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