Friday, 14 March 2014


During the student led crit the other day, we were to discuss our design direction and the stage that we are currently at in terms of our practice, instead of simply showing practical work. Whilst I did want some feedback on some of my recent briefs, I actually found this crit really beneficial. There is a large variety of work and visuals going on within our studio, and it was really interesting to sit down and see what others were up to and what their current plan of action is. We found that is was easier to have more of a group discussion than it was for us to go around individually, as this allowed us to give input and feedback. However we made sure that everyone had a chance to speak, directing appropriate questions.

We each discussed our plans for when we graduate, as well as our current feelings towards our own design direction. I feel that is was beneficial to find out what everyone was interested in in terms of their practice as it displayed variety and allowed me to see briefs from a different perspective. For example, my design practice was visually a lot different to other members of the group. Whilst I am currently focusing on pattern, packaging and hand drawn type, others were working with advertising and digital media.

As well as the above, it was nice to see where everyone was in terms of placements and contacting studios, with some individuals knowing exactly what they wanted, and others still feeling like they were in more of an open and experimental stage. Everyone is currently at a different point, which I believe to be a positive thing. Although it is good to know who you are and what you're about, it is still beneficial to be open to new experiences and possibilities, which is where I am currently at.

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