Friday, 28 February 2014

EXHIBITION - Work In Progress

A group of us were put together to work as a committee that would organise an exhibition for the course showing off our work. It was explained that with Graphic Design, it can sometimes be quite difficult to display outcomes in a way that shows their full potential. Amber therefore suggested that we turn the space into a working environment, where members of the public can come in and interact with a set up studio. We felt that this would be a really effective way of getting across what it is that we do. 

We got together on a few occasions to discuss logistics, including what we would need in the space as well as what the exhibition would be called - Work in Progress. Instead of having an opening night as most exhibitions usually do, it was decided that there should be a closing night in order to give the space time to evolve and fill up with work. In order to document this happening, Greg set up a gopro in the space in order to capture the process until the final day of the exhibition. This video would then be shown on the closing night. 

There was a few of us throughout January and February that worked in the space that we had created downstairs. Unfortunately  there wasn't as much physical work being produced as we had hoped because of the timing as it was smack bang at the end of our context of practice module. However, a number of individuals came down into the space to hang up work, which visually looked really appealing, bringing members of the university into the space to interact with it.

Below is the video that Greg produced:

Work In Progress from Greg Ball on Vimeo.

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