After doing some research into student budgeting, there are quite a few websites out there which are designed to help students budget their money whilst at university. Many of these websites have something called a student calculator, which allows you to input your loans, grants, income etc allowing you to work out how much you'll have to spend a week. As well as this, at the end of it, they give advice on how you can cut back on your spending.
Student Calculator
The student calculator is a great website that not only calculates a budget for you, but if you're 'in the red' then it will give you advice on how to cut back and where to cut back. As well as this, it also has quite an extensive library of case studies, where you can see students similar to you are spending there money. It also gives an overview of their course, how they cope, and their top budgeting tips.
This Is Money
On this website, you are able to input into this calculator, all the different amounts you believe that you are going to be spending in different areas. It includes items such as books, clothing, rent, shopping and your mobile phone. Once all the information is inputted, you can then calculate it and get a result. It will display how much you're going to need in total, per term and per month.
Manage For Money
This website provides you with a whole load of tables that you can fill out with your parents in order to work out how much money you're going to need and for what. As opposed to a number of the other sites, it's a bit daunting, however it allows you to keep tabs on your expenses and your spending. It also has a list of some interesting top tips that may help students.
Sainsbury's also provide their own finance budget calculator, which is very quick and simple to use. It's not only for students, but you can also compare your lifestyle to the average budgets of people just like you. They take their average budget calculations from the 2008 Spending Survey carried out by the government.
Other useful websites:
The Guardian (interesting article on how the new university bursaries are telling students what it is exactly they can spend their money on)
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