Monday, 23 January 2012

Things we found out - blog group task

Notes compiled as a blog group, taken from Emily's blog.

Things observed
1. How to categories religious books- can't be biased in terms of importance.
2. Instruction manuals/booklets are really boring; IKEA was the most interesting one found.
3. Gossip magazines- the cheaper they are the more tacky looking and low celebrity status stories covered.
4. There is a big difference between mainstream magazines and not mainstream magazines in terms of design.
5. The extensive range of styles and materials for business cards.

Things that were learnt
1. Two categories of male magazines; lifestyle and image based.
2. Much easier to put fashion magazines into a high/low end range. Everything else was quite tricky.
3. Autobiographies are split into two categories; lighthearted to serious.
4. What is categorised under non-fiction.
5. Football, golf and rugby magazines are a lot more legible compared to extreme sports magazines. 

Things to find out more about
1. What are the features of hight/low end fashion magazines. 
2. Find out more about how many religious books actually exist?
3. The selling rates of autobiographies.
4. Production and styling of business cards.
5. Who designs football and rugby magazines.

Things that were a problem
1. Difficult to put wedding magazines into a particular range.
2. Practicalities of sourcing religious books, do more exist than whats online?
3. Difficult to distinguish/separate alternative fashion magazines with counter culture.
4. Finding a range of styles for living magazines in low/high end- all similar in style.
5. Putting takeaway menus into categories in terms of design. 

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