Sunday, 27 April 2014

PPP - magazine feature

I was approached by a third year Fashion Communications student to be featured in their magazine - Volume 1. I felt like this was a great opportunity, allowing me to gain a lot of exposure as she was going to be holding an opening night for it in the Corn Exchange. She emailed me over a list of questions she wanted me to answer, as well as asking for some examples of my work.

My responses - 

How did you first become interested in graphic design?
I did a foundation course in Art and Design with no real direction until my tutor put me on the Visual Communications pathway because of the way that I worked within my sketchbooks. I guess this is when I started to look into it more, realising that it suited the work that I was producing - I still had no actual Graphic Design knowledge though until I came to university. 

Where do you get your general inspiration from?
I'm really into crafting and using a hands on approach so I gather a lot of inspiration from sites such as 'Pinterest', 'Oh So Beautiful Paper' and 'Lovely Package'. I also take a lot of inspiration from objects that I collect, as I tend to be a bit of a hoarder. When you have a load of stuff surrounding you, it's interesting to see how you can incorporate it into your work.  

What is your favourite brief that you’ve worked on?
I wouldn't say that I have one particular favourite, however I've always enjoyed briefs where theory and practice become synthesised. I love writing, as well as being creative, so researching a topic in depth and then designing alongside this is ideal. For example, this year for my dissertation I explored the production, distribution and social practices of zine making. I also love working collaboratively! 

Does fashion ever link in or influence your designs? (if so, how?)
I've done a couple of briefs that have involved fashion, one being in first year for my Design Context module. I looked into the debate between high art and kitsch, and within this looked closely at the work of Meadham Kirchhoff, creating a publication featuring illustrations of their designs. I tend not to touch too much on the fashion sector within my work though. 
Who are your favourite fashion designers?
Sorry, I have no idea. I don't think I know enough to have a favourite! 

What are your favourite blogs, websites, magazines?
Oh So Beautiful Paper
Lovely Package
The Style Rookie
etc etc

What are your plans for after LCA?
Long term plans...I'd love to own a shop full of print, craft based products and bits and bobs. Short term? I'm hoping to get a place in Manchester with my friend Steph and get some experience as a graphic designer - hopefully in a small studio with a chilled atmosphere. 

What has LCA taught you most about being a graphic designer?
To be a first rate version of yourself. 

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