Saturday, 1 February 2014

BRIEFS - change of direction

There are a number of briefs that I have decided not to undertake anymore. I initially selected ten briefs at the start of the year that I felt reflected my interests and me as a designer. However, throughout the year, I have refined my practice and my interests, and there are some briefs that I no longer want to complete. These include 'The Dog's Bollocks' and 'Graze'. The Dog's Bollocks aimed to reinterpret a famous brand. After completing the Harry Ramsdens brief, where I was to make the brand more fresh and exciting, I didn't think that it was necessary to repeat myself. I am not the most competent at creating logos, and do not have much knowledge in terms of brand guidelines, and therefore feel that I can spend my time focusing myself elsewhere, working more closely with packaging and print. The Graze brief simply no longer interested me. I wanted to undertake some more collaborative work and therefore decided to scrap this brief. Although it would have allowed me to work with packaging and the food sector, I feel that the visuals and processes I use are more directed towards confectionary for example, rather than health food.

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