During this brief, I feel that I have developed my illustrative skills. This brief gave me the opportunity to work in a medium that I wouldn't normally use. In order to broaden my skills, I worked a lot with paint and hand drawn image. This allowed me to create new and fresh visuals that reflected the content and theme. By using paint, I was able to put my ideas down on paper before i began digitising anything. This led to further development of ideas, colour and layout. I also feel that this has strengthen my pattern design and also the application of pattern to a range of products. I believe I effectively applied pattern across a number of different products, to create a strong and complete set that worked together.
As well as this, I feel that I have developed my skills in term of process. I have never used laser cut within my work and this was the first time I applied it to my products. This process was quite tricky as I had to take a number of things into consideration - how to keep the greetings cards clean, how to line up the laser exactly and how to create perforation. By taking the time to do this right, I feel I have created a really effective interactive aspect to my greetings cards. They won't simply be ephemeral like most cards received for Christmas, as they have a purpose and decorative form.
Initially, I struggled to mock-up professional looking prototypes. However, as I needed to show screen based examples, I really had to build on these skills, and look into producing some effective mock-ups. A lot of this included the application of pattern, so I also had to work with clipping masks and defining patterns. I became much more confident with this, which allowed me to create a range of products.
What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
I found that talking to my peers allowed for faster idea generation as we were able to bounce possible ideas and solutions off of each other. When I was particularly stuck with a design that I disliked, talking to a peer really helped me and spurred me into creating some new that I was happy with.
Looking at past feedback, and considering the opinions of my peers was also an extremely helpful way of informing my development process. It gave me the opportunity to go back and re-consider what it was that I could improve on. The best way to find out was to look at previous comments given to me about my work. I was able to find feedback about a particular brief and work on it.
As well as this, putting together design direction boards used during crits were beneficial, where you could display your ideas, concepts and responses in a clear and suitable form.
What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
1. I believe that I have effectively targeted my audience with my product range. There needed to be consideration of competition and the fact that mainly women purchase greetings cards. I feel that I took this into account and created a contemporary set of products that could be seen in shops such as Paperchase. They are finished to a high standard, including processes and the opportunity to interact. When undertaking briefs, understanding of the audience is key, and therefore this will be carried through into other briefs.
2. I feel that I have created a strong range of products appropriate to the theme, context and environment they will be put in. These products compliment each other, and application of pattern, colour and type has been kept consistent throughout. By working together effectively as a set, they will have shelf appeal and will attract the audience, allowing them to purchase a number of products that can be used together.
3. Pattern design is a strength throughout this brief. It has allowed me to work with different formats, layouts and mediums to create a complete set. It has also allowed me to explore and experiment with illustration, getting my ideas down on paper instead of going straight to illustrator.
What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
1. Due to lack of experience the final images haven't quite came out to the standard I would have liked. However, I still feel that they represent the products well in terms of range, colour and pattern. The lighting used wasn't ideal for the chosen products, as it doesn't do them any justice. Unfortunately it was placed in the wrong areas, and again this is due to lack of experience. I would have liked the background to have came out a bit more clear and white, however I feel that the darkness adds a nice contrast to the white on the products. The images are also quite atmospheric in terms of fitting in with the Christmas theme. If I was to re-do these images, I would invite someone with experience to aid me whilst photographing them, or even ask if someone would be able to do them for me. This way, I am getting the best quality images, which can then be used within my portfolio and on my website.
2. To push this brief even further, I could have created point of sale and advertisement for this range. Through primary research, I could have familiarised myself with how cards and supporting products are set out within a shop environment and this could have been mocked up. This would have given more context and also displayed them within a working surrounding. In the future I will make sure to think of all possibilities for the brief so that I get the most from it.
3. I feel that for this brief I could have gathered some more primary research. This would have led to more informed design as I would not simply be looking at work online. Although I visited a number of different shops appropriate to the brief, I feel that this research could have been more in depth.
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