Tuesday, 21 May 2013


What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

Throughout this module, I feel that I have really developed my conceptual skills. By having to come up with a range of concepts before designing, I was able to get feedback on a number of different ideas. I could there see where the strengths and weaknesses were within the concepts and build on this. I feel that this process has allowed me to go with the most effective and promising idea, instead of me just doing something that I would personally like doing. I have therefore been able to use my design skills to solve a particular problem and target it at the right audience. 

I also believe that I have explored my illustrative skills further. Instead of simply working with digital illustration, I got off the computer and decided to create something by hand. By doing this, I have been able to target my audience, and really relate to my content. This process was an enjoyable one, and it has allowed my products to work well as a range through the application of colour and pattern.

In addition to this, I feel that my research skills have vastly improved during this project. Not only did I find information out through sources such as the internet and articles, but I also did quite a lot of primary research. This primary research really allowed me to relate to my target, and figure out ways in which I could solve the problem of minimising mess through baking. I also made sure to look at existing products in the environment, to see current visual styles as well as to see the sort of competition that was out there. I feel that by doing this, I gained a much better understanding of my project, and was able to get involved in it in more ways than one.
What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

One of the ways in which this brief was approached was through the undertaking of extensive research before any design development occured. By separating theory from practice to begin with, I was able to expand my knowledge on my subject, content and target audience. The production of the research book not only allowed me to explore a visual approach, but it also allowed me to collect all of my primary and secondary research at that point in time. This really solidified my ideas and strengthened the overall concept. By researching a broad subject before creating a brief, I was able to pint point areas of interest, and see where concepts could be built from. 

Also, by coming up with a range of concepts I was able to direct my time towards the strongest idea, that had the best chance of an effective and appropriate outcome. This allowed me to really consider the possibilities of a broad range of media and formats that would also be appropriate to the subject. This response therefore led to the exploration of the relationship between product, range and methods of distribution. 

What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I believe that a particular strength of mine during this brief was my ability to relate to the audience in order to find the best ways of solving my problem. Through primary and secondary research, I explored possible processes and methods of minimising mess during baking, and was able to come up with a range of print and digital based responses. I am glad that I explored a number of different ways of solving my problem, as this really strengthened my concept, and allowed me to consider different methods of distribution, such as a social networking and digital applications.

I also feel that my illustration has been particularly strong during this brief. As I decided to explore a different process of illustration, I have been able to produce something that I visually have no explored before. It also gave me the opportunity to get off the computer and use a hands on approach. The illustration really strengthens my range of products, allowing them to work as a set of cohesive whole. They will appeal to the target audience through the use of colour and an overall light hearted tone. They also allowed me to consider a different way of approaching a recipe book.

What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?

One of the weaknesses that I can point out within my work is that some of my products aren't to the highest quality they could be. Although they are of a high quality print, and were costly, a few of my items have glue on due to the gloss finish, and are not completed to the highest standard. Although this doesn't necessarily take anything away from the concept, I wish I had been a little bit more careful in terms of keeping all of my products clean and spotless. 

In addition to this, although I have used processes, stock and formats that are appropriate and reflective of my concept and content, I wish I had explored a few more ways of working. The possibility of screen printing or other methods could have been explored. However, I would not want to force these if they were not appropriate to the product. 

Finally, as there is focus on products in context, I would love to improve my skills of mocking up my products within the appropriate environment. My skills are extremely minimal in this area, and it is definitely something I would like to focus on in future. 

Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to change from doing these?

1. Although I had booked a print slot a month in advance, unfortunately my work was printed out wrong during this time. I was therefore left without a recipe book, and the options of either hoping to get into drop in or printing rubbish quality in the mac suite. I was extremely disheartened when my work was printed wrong, as it was through no fault of my own, and I was left with nothing. The printer was also unaware of how to laminate my products, which was a process that was needed for my project. Despite this, I was determined to sort this out, and waited a total of six hours in a queue for drop in, which shows determination. In the future, I will make sure I have a back up plan, and consider my possibilities if print was to go wrong. 
2.Next time, I would like to spend more time considering possible binds for my products. Although certain binds wouldn't be appropriate, I would have liked to have been a bit more adventurous than simply stapling my products. By having an interesting bind, this would really strengthen my product, and make it appealing to the audience. 
3. A possible website would have been an effective addition to my product this. This way, I could have linked the print based and digital items all in one place. Although I had created an app, I wish I had created a website to support this. 
4. If I was to do this again, I would have printed my research book out in better quality. Due to money constraints, I was unable to print this publication on nice stock. I had already spent too much on my other products, and therefore couldn't afford to print this as well. Money has played a big part within this project, as it has been expensive. This is definitely something that needs to be considered within modules, and I could have considered ways of reducing costs.
5. I would have also liked to have tested my product on in a baking environment to see if the features worked. This would have strengthened my final products and concepts and would have allowed me to display how they help to minimise mess. 

How would you grade yourself in the following areas (5 - excellent to 1 - poor):
  • Attendance: 4
  • Punctuality: 5
  • Motivation: 3
  • Commitment: 3
  • Quantity of work: 3
  • Quality of work: 3
  • Commitment to the group: 4

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